Looking for Free Helpdesk Software? Below we cover software that you can download and install for free!

This helpdesk software is being built on java, it's compatible with anything, a server, a computer, and probably some things we haven't even tried yet.
Virtual Call Center
A Helpdesk System is common in almost every business and helps a company support not only their internal customers, but external customers as well. Often, smaller companies can not afford the high price of Helpdesk software let alone the resources to fund a full time support center.
What if you didn't have any helpdesk staff? Guess what! Not a problem with our Free Helpdesk Software!
That's right - no Helpdesk staff required. How do we do this? Easy, we draw upon your somewhat technical savvy employees and our free 'fix it' updates to provide you with a virtual call center.
Helpdesk Software - Requirements
Before I tell you how our helpdesk software works, let me quickly cover system requirements. You'll need an old PC with a network card - that's all! Because the entire system is built on java, it's compatible with anything, a server, a computer, and probably some things we haven't even tried yet.
Here is how the Helpdesk system works. When an employee has a problem, they (or someone next to them) connect to our Helpdesk software, they type in a short description of their problem and the 'virtual call center' searches for a similar problem and presents a known solution. If one or more solutions have been found, they are presented to the user at which time they may select a solution, search the helpdesk database again or submit a trouble ticket.
A trouble ticket can be created by following a few basic guidelines that help to keep call center records clean and understandable - the last thing you want is a Helpdesk database filled with unrecognizable trouble tickets!
Once the Helpdesk software creates the trouble ticket, it performs two actions. First, a message is sent to the virtual call center which is composed of regular staff who are somewhat technically savvy. When you initially install the Helpdesk software, you invite employees to periodically help others by responding to trouble tickets if they think they have a solution.
Helpdesk Support
If none of the employees can solve the Helpdesk Call (trouble ticket), then information is pulled from the Helpdesk Support Base. I'll explain more about this later, but in a nutshell, it will solve most of the trouble tickets.
Help desk Software
There is a ton of Helpdesk software in all kinds of languages. We our creating our package in java because it's compatible with just about any operating system on the market and can fit into any IT Support environment.
We are still working on the helpdesk application and have moved it to anther site (it's not really security related, so this works better). The new site is Call centre software and covers all aspects of running a helpdesk call center.
If you would like to see a list of applications, take a look at this list of Help desk software